Source code for utils

Plotting Utils

The main suite of utility functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import datetime
import re

from atlasplots.console import bcolor

import ROOT as root
from ROOT import gDirectory

[docs]def DrawText(x, y, text, color=1, size=0.05): """Draw text. Parameters ---------- x : float x position in NDC coordinates y : float y position in NDC coordinates text : string, optional The text color : int, optional Text colour (the default is 1, i.e. black). See If you know the hex code, rgb values, etc., use ``ROOT.TColor.GetColor()`` size : float, optional Text size See """ l = root.TLatex() # l.SetTextAlign(12) l.SetTextSize(size) l.SetNDC() l.SetTextColor(color) l.DrawLatex(x, y, text)
[docs]def GetTTree(filename, treename): """Get TTree from file(s). Returns the TTree if reading a single file or a TChain if reading multiple files from a directory. Exits if file or tree cannot be read. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of ROOT file or the containing directory treename : str Name of TTree Returns ------- TTree or TChain The TTree or TChain """ if filename.endswith(".root"): file = root.TFile.Open(filename) print("Reading in tree {} from {}... " .format(bcolor.bold + treename + bcolor.end, filename), end="") if not file: # ROOT prints its own "file not found" message print("{}".format( + "Failed" + bcolor.end)) sys.exit(1) tree = file.Get(treename) if not tree: print("{}".format( + "Failed" + bcolor.end)) print("{} Tree '{}' not found in {}" .format(bcolor.warning(), treename, filename)) # Look into file to see what else is there items_in_file = file.GetListOfKeys() if items_in_file is not None: print("\nDid you mean:") for item in items_in_file: print(" * {}".format(item.GetName())) sys.exit(1) print("{}".format(bcolor.ok())) else: # TODO: Exception handling chain = root.TChain(treename) chain.Add(filename + "/*.root") tree = chain # tree.SetDirectory(0) return file, tree
[docs]def GetTChain(filenames, treename): """Get TChain (list of Root files containing the same tree) Parameters ---------- filenames : [str] Name(s) of ROOT file(s) treename : str Name of TTree Returns ------- TTree or TChain The TTree or TChain """ if type(filenames) is not list: filenames = [filenames] chain = root.TChain(treename) for file in filenames: chain.Add(file) return chain
[docs]def MakeHistogram(tree, plotname, nbins, xmin, xmax, selections="", shift="", label=""): """Make histogram from a TTree. Parameters ---------- tree : TTree The tree from which the histogram is made plotname : str The plot name; i.e. the name of the branch (or variable) being plotted nbins : int Number of bins xmin : float Lower edge of first bin xmax : float Upper edge of last bin (not included in last bin) selections : str, optional Apply selections. See ``TTree::Draw()`` at for more information shift : str, optional Shift histogram by this amount; subtacts this value from the variable being plotted label : str, optional The histogram's label; i.e. the entry that will appear in the legend Returns ------- TH1 The histogram """ histname = plotname # Use current time to uniquely identify histograms unique_id = histname += "_{}".format(unique_id) # Remove reserved characters histname = histname.replace("/", "") histname = histname.replace("*", "") histname = histname.replace("(", "") histname = histname.replace("-", "_") histname = histname.replace(")", "") histname = histname.replace(":", "") histname = histname.replace(".", "") indices = "({},{},{})".format(nbins, xmin, xmax) if shift: plotname += "-{}".format(shift) tree.Draw(plotname + ">>" + histname + indices, selections, "e") hist = gDirectory.Get(histname) hist.SetDirectory(0) if hist.GetEntries() == 0: print("{} Histogram is empty!".format(bcolor.warning())) if label: hist.label = label return hist
[docs]def SetHistogramLine(hist, color=1, width=1, style=1, alpha=1): """Set the histogram line properties. See for more information on line properties. Parameters ---------- hist : TH1 The histogram color : int, optional Line colour (the default is 1, i.e. black). See If you know the hex code, rgb values, etc., use ``ROOT.TColor.GetColor()`` width : int, optional Line width in pixels; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1) style : int, optional Line style; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1, i.e. solid line) alpha : float, optional Line transparency; between 0 and 1 (the default is 1, i.e. opaque) """ hist.SetLineColor(color) hist.SetLineWidth(width) hist.SetLineStyle(style) hist.SetLineStyle(alpha)
[docs]def SetHistogramFill(hist, color=None, style=None, alpha=1): """Set the histogram fill properties. If ``SetHistogramFill()`` is called with no colour specified, the fill colour is set to the same as the histogram's line colour. See for more information on fill properties. Parameters ---------- hist : TH1 The histogram color : int, optional Fill colour. See If you know the hex code, rgb values, etc., use ``ROOT.TColor.GetColor()`` style : int, optional Fill style; this one's complicated so best to see the ROOT documentation alpha : float, optional Fill transparency; between 0 and 1 (the default is 1, i.e. opaque) """ if style is not None: hist.SetFillStyle(style) if color is not None: hist.SetFillColor(color) else: hist.SetFillColor(hist.GetLineColor()) if alpha != 1: hist.SetFillColorAlpha(color, alpha)
[docs]def FormatHistograms(hists, title="", xtitle="", ytitle="", xtitle_offset=None, ytitle_offset=None, units="", max=None, min=0): """Format histograms and add axis labels. Typically the y-axis label contains the bin width with units, for example, "Events / 10 GeV". The preferred way to get the bin width is at run time rather than computing it by hand and including it in the config file. So, if no units are specified, the function will try to parse the units from the x-axis label and apply it to the y-axis. Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms title : str, optional Histogram title; typically empty (the default is "") xtitle : str, optional x-axis label (the default is "") ytitle : str, optional y-axis label (the default is "") xtitle_offset : float, optional Label offset from x-axis (the default is None, i.e. use ROOT's default) ytitle_offset : float, optional Label offset from y-axis (the default is None, i.e. use ROOT's default) units : str, optional Units (the default is "") max : float, optional Histogram maximum value (the default is None) min : float, optional Histogram minimum value (the default is 0) """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] SetYRange(hists, max, min) # Try to parse units from xtitle if not units and xtitle: pattern = re.compile(r".*\[(.*\w.*)\]\s*$") match = if match: units = else: units = "" for hist in hists: if title: hist.SetTitle(title) if xtitle: hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) if ytitle: ytitle += " / {:g} {}".format(hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1), units) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) if xtitle_offset: hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(xtitle_offset) if ytitle_offset: hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(ytitle_offset)
[docs]def DrawHistograms(hists, options=""): """Draw the histograms. The histograms should already have their formatting applied at this point Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms options : str, optional Drawing options (the default is "") """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] for i, hist in enumerate(hists): if i == 0: hist.Draw(options) else: hist.Draw("same " + options)
[docs]def NormalizeHistograms(hists, width=False): """Normalize a list of histograms to unity. Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms width : bool, optional If true, the bin contents and errors are divided by the bin width (the default is False) """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] option = "width" if width else "" for hist in hists: hist.Scale(1.0 / hist.Integral(), option)
[docs]def GetMinimum(hists): """Get minimum value (i.e. value of 'shortest' bin) of a list of histograms. Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms Returns ------- float Minimum value """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] histmin = hists[0].GetMinimum() for hist in hists: tmpmin = hist.GetMinimum() if hist.GetMinimum() < histmin: histmin = tmpmin return histmin
[docs]def GetMaximum(hists): """Get maximum value (i.e. value of 'tallest' bin) of a list of histograms. Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms Returns ------- float Maximum value """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] histmin = hists[0].GetMaximum() for hist in hists: tmpmin = hist.GetMaximum() if hist.GetMaximum() > histmin: histmin = tmpmin return histmin
[docs]def SetYRange(hists, max=None, min=0): """Set the y-axis range (max and min) on a list of histograms. If the max value is not provided, it calls :py:func:`GetMaximum` to get the maximum value from the list of histograms Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms max : float, optional Max value (the default is None) min : float, optional Min value (the default is 0) """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] if max is None: plotmax = GetMaximum(hists) else: plotmax = max for hist in hists: hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(min, plotmax)
[docs]def MakePad(name, title, xlow, ylow, xup, yup): """Make a pad. This function replaces the typical TPad constructor because of an unfortunate quirk of PyROOT that forces you to set the ownership of the Pad when creating it, otherwise it gives a segmentation fault. See Parameters ---------- name : str Pad name title : str Pad title xlow : float The x position of the bottom left point of the pad ylow : float The y position of the bottom left point of the pad xup : float The x position of the top right point of the pad yup : float The y position of the top right point of the pad """ pad = root.TPad(name, title, xlow, ylow, xup, yup) root.SetOwnership(pad, False) return pad
[docs]def MakeLegend(hists, xmin=0.65, ymin=0.65, options="LF"): """Draw the legend. Legend drawing options are: * L: draw line associated with hists' lines * P: draw polymarker associated with hists' marker * F: draw a box with fill associated with hists' fill * E: draw vertical error bar if option "L" is also specified See for full details. Parameters ---------- hists : [TH1] List of histograms xmin : float, optional The x position of the bottom left point of the legend (the default is 0.65) ymin : float, optional The y position of the bottom left point of the legend (the default is 0.65) options : string, optional Pass these options to TLegend::AddEntry(). Default is "LF" """ # If hists is a single value, convert to list if type(hists) is not list: hists = [hists] xmax = xmin + 0.10 ymax = ymin + 0.05 * (len(hists) + 1) legend = root.TLegend(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) legend.SetTextSize(0.03) legend.SetFillColor(0) legend.SetLineColor(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) for hist in hists: if hasattr(hist, 'label'): legend.AddEntry(hist, hist.label, options) else: legend.AddEntry(hist) print("{} Making legend but histogram '{}' has no label" .format(bcolor.warning(), hist.GetTitle())) return legend
[docs]def DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color=1, width=1, style=1, alpha=1): """Draw a line on a histogram. See for more information on line properties. Parameters ---------- x1, y1, x2, y2 : float Line coordinates color : int, optional Line colour (the default is 1, i.e. black). See If you know the hex code, rgb values, etc., use ``ROOT.TColor.GetColor()`` width : int, optional Line width in pixels; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1) style : int, optional Line style; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1, i.e. solid line) alpha : float, optional Line transparency; between 0 and 1 (the default is 1, i.e. opaque) """ line = root.TLine() if color != 1: line.SetLineColor(color) if width != 1: line.SetLineWidth(width) if style != 1: line.SetLineStyle(style) if alpha != 1: line.SetLineColorAlpha(alpha) line.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
[docs]def DrawLineAt1(hist, color=1, width=1, style=1, alpha=1): """Draw a horizontal line at y=1 on a histogram. This is particularly useful for ratio plots. See for more information on line properties. Parameters ---------- hist : TH1 The histogram on which to draw the line color : int, optional Line colour (the default is 1, i.e. black). See If you know the hex code, rgb values, etc., use ``ROOT.TColor.GetColor()`` width : int, optional Line width in pixels; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1) style : int, optional Line style; between 1 and 10 (the default is 1, i.e. solid line) alpha : float, optional Line transparency; between 0 and 1 (the default is 1, i.e. opaque) """ line = root.TLine() if color != 1: line.SetLineColor(color) if width != 1: line.SetLineWidth(width) if style != 1: line.SetLineStyle(style) if alpha != 1: line.SetLineColorAlpha(alpha) line.DrawLine( hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1, hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1 )