Source code for config_reader

Config File Reader

The config files are written in the `TOML <>`_


I'm a big fan of `matplotlib's colourmaps
<>`_, and I often use the 'tab10'
qualitative colourmap when plotting multiple datasets on the same axes.
Colours in the config files are specified using hex codes, so I've summarized
tab10's hex codes in the table below.

| Colour  | Hex Code  |
| Blue    | #1F77B4   |
| Orange  | #FF7F0E   |
| Green   | #2CA02C   |
| Red     | #D62728   |
| Purple  | #9467BD   |
| Brown   | #8C564B   |
| Pink    | #E377C2   |
| Grey    | #7F7F7F   |
| Olive   | #BCBD22   |
| Cyan    | #17BECF   |

You can also look up these hex codes and many others directly from matplotlib:

>>> import matplotlib
>>> cmap = matplotlib.colors.get_named_colors_mapping()
>>> cmap['tab:blue']
>>> cmap['tab:orange']

and so on.

.. image::
    :alt: <matplotlib qualitative colormaps>

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import collections
import sys
import toml

from atlasplots.console import bcolor

[docs]def read(config_file): """Read the plotting configuration parameters into a dictionary. TODO ---- Set more default values Parameters ---------- config_file : str Path to the config file Returns ------- dict Dictionary of configuration parameters """ with open(config_file, 'r') as file: config_file_str = params = toml.loads(config_file_str) # If using Python 2, convert unicode keys and values to strings if sys.version_info[0] == 2: params = _convert_to_string(params) _check_required(params) _fill_missing(params) return params
def _check_required(params): """Check that the configuration file has all the required parameters and exit if any are missing. TODO ---- Add more required parameters Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary of configuration parameters """ exit = False if 'file' not in params: _print_missing("file") exit = True else: for file in params['file']: if 'name' not in file: _print_missing("name", "[[file]]") exit = True if 'tree' not in file: _print_missing("tree", "[[file]]") exit = True if 'plot' not in params: _print_missing("plot") exit = True else: for plot in params['plot']: if 'name' not in plot: _print_missing("name", "[[plot]]") if exit: sys.exit(1) def _print_missing(param, parent="Config file"): """Print error message if parameter is missing. Also print where the parameter should be in the config file. Parameters ---------- param : str The missing parameter parent : str, optional "Parent" of the missing parameter (the default is "Config file") """ print("{} {} missing {} parameter".format( bcolor.error(), bcolor.bold + parent + bcolor.end, bcolor.bold + param + bcolor.end) ) def _fill_missing(params): """Fill in missing configuration parameters with default values Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary of configuration parameters """ # Missing [[file]] parameters for file in params['file']: if 'label' not in file: file['label'] = file['name'] if 'color' not in file: file['color'] = "#000000" # black if 'fill' not in file: file['fill'] = None if 'scale' not in file: file['scale'] = 1.0 def _convert_to_string(data): """Convert data in unicode format to string. Parameters ---------- data : {str, dict} Data in unicode format Returns ------- Data in string format """ if isinstance(data, basestring): return str(data) elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): return dict(map(_convert_to_string, data.iteritems())) elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable): return type(data)(map(_convert_to_string, data)) else: return data